2020 NORTHWEST SCHOOLS OF MISSIONDue to the Covid-19 pandemic this years Schools of Mission has been cancelled.
"Fulfill His Purpose"
"For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure."
Philippians 2:13 |
Our Vision
Our Purpose
The Northwest Schools of Mission has been acclaimed by both churches and missionaries as a rich time of inspiration, equipping, and recruitment. There are blessings for both missionaries and churches in this unique approach.
Benefits for the Missionary The missionary has the opportunity to be with 25 to 30 congregations, with all the advance publicity, scheduling, and arrangements provided by someone else. Travel funds are provided at the orientation meeting. When the Schools are concluded, the offerings are divided equally among the participating missionaries, and offerings that come in later are distributed to the missionaries at a later date. Financial pleas cannot be made during the Schools; however, financial support often follows in the months and years after the Schools. Prayer partnerships are formed with many Christians, and many new relationships are established. |
Benefits for Churches in the Northwest
Churches who participate in the Schools are enriched by hearing men and women from fields of service all over the world. As a result, missionary involvement grows as churches hold themselves accountable to the mandate of Jesus to “disciple the nations.” On a regular basis, new recruits for cross-cultural missions come from the churches and fan a brighter flame for total church-mission commitment. Prayer development grows. Financial commitment rises. Missions committees are encouraged. Mission education is developed. |
Contact Us
Chuck Houk (NWSOM Director, Treasurer, & Rocky Mountain and Washington Chairman)
Phone/Fax: (406) 277-6968
Mobile: (406) 431-8823
Email: [email protected]
Phone/Fax: (406) 277-6968
Mobile: (406) 431-8823
Email: [email protected]